FAQS about Shopping for Shipt

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It’s been well over a year since I started shopping for Shipt. My adventure began in September 2017 and I haven’t slowed down.  In fact, I like my job more today than I did when I started!

During the past year, numerous people have asked me questions about being a shopper. I think it’s my excitement that sparks their interest :). Whatever the reason, I’ve decided to compile a list of frequently asked questions and my answers. This is an evolving list which means questions will be added as they come up. So go ahead…ask away!!!

Frequently Asked Questions about Shopping for Shipt:

  1. Do you work for Meijer? No, I am an independent contractor for Shipt. This simply means, I’m my own boss. It also means, I do not receive any benefits (medical insurance, paid time off, etc) and I’m responsible for filing my own taxes. Shipt does not deduct taxes from my paycheck.
  2. What stores do you shop? I shop Meijer and Target. These are the only two stores Shipt is currently working with in Michigan.
  3. Do you shop a certain area? Yes, I only shop the Canton Meijer and Target, which means I deliver to people within a certain radius from those stores.
  4. How do you get paid? I am paid for each shop I complete. Current pay is 7.5% of the Meijer receipt plus $5.
  5. Do you make your own schedule? YES, this is the beauty of this job! I can make it and change it minute by minute! I can work as much or little as I’d like.
  6. Do you shop only for groceries? No, Shipt members can order anything from both Meijer and Target. The only exclusions are cigarettes and gift cards – Shipt shoppers can NOT deliver these.
  7. Do you deliver the orders? Yes, I deliver to the members homes.
  8. Do you use your own car? Yes
  9. Do you get reimbursed for mileage? No, but I track the miles driven and file them with my taxes. They are a deduction.
  10. Do you receive tips? Yes, most people tip either on the Shipt app or in person.
  11. How are you paid? I am paid every Friday for the work completed the previous Monday through Sunday.
  12. Do you go into people’s houses? Sometimes, this depends on the request of the member. Usually I step just inside the front door or I hand the groceries to the member. Some members, especially the elderly, prefer I take them to their kitchen. A few members ask for the groceries to be left on their porch. 
  13. Are you scared to go into people’s homes? No, I am not scared at all. I’ve been in some homes that disgust me due to the smell (cigarette or animals) or uncleanliness, but I’ve never felt afraid.
  14. Can members request you? No, but I can be “matched” with members. If I shop for a member enough times and they rate me well, I may become their main shopper.

So hit me…what questions do you have? Comment below and I will answer. I will also add your question to the above list. 

To find out more about Shipt, please see my other two posts – 10 Reasons You Should Become a Shipt Shopper and Shipt Shopper Tips 


  • Liz

    This was pretty interesting to read – I’ve never done Shipt but I’ve done Instacart before. I do a lot of meal delivery services like Hello Fresh though.

  • Huh. I’ve used Instacart once. I find it interesting that you can’t deliver cigarettes, but you can get liquor? I always keep grocery delivery in the back of my mind on days like today (icy!), but I still end up going out. LOL

  • Cynthia

    Hi! I have been accepted to go through th video interview. I am honestly scared to go through with it. I don’t doubt myself , but readin so many posts from people who say they have no idea why they were rerejected worries me. It sounds like the perfect job for me, the interview process that intense? Thank you, Cynthia

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